Sunday, January 15, 2012

Challenge 56: Routine

127. Describe a daily routine or tradition of yours that may seem ordinary to others but holds special meaning for you. Why is this practice significant to you? (Barnard)

Early morning, I wake up and sit up on my bed. The weather is cold outside. The marbles on the floor shoot cold bullets at me. I shiver. Gathering up the courage, I throw away my blankets and let my feet find the slippers on the foot of my bed. I stand up, stretch, grab my toiletries, and head to the toilet. And thus, the most important activity of my day begins.

I have to say that sharing the bathroom with around twenty more girls isn't pleasant. I run into them sometimes, I can't personalize the toilet, and sometimes, I have to encounter things I'd rather not. But, all in all, the toilet helps me get ready for the day.

As I enter the toilet, I see a small group of girls lazily brushing their teeth, their hair, and whatever else. Their eyes are barely open and they lean on the sink for support. But me, I am wide awake. I smile to myself as I see my tangled hair and weary face.

As one of the sinks is freed, I rush to claim it. Then, I dab some toothpaste on my toothbrush, hold it under the running water, and start brushing my teeth. I feel better already. And by then, I am used to the cold around me. I hold small conversations with my friends as I attempt to not drop the fuzzy, toothpaste and saliva mixture on my shirt.

After brushing my teeth, I wash my face. This has to be the best part of the activity because I feel like a new person afterwards! I mix the face wash with a little water and get the foamy effect. I rub it on my face gently and feel relaxed instantly. I wash my face with a lot of water and feel fresh and ready for the day.

Odd as it may seem, brushing and washing is something that holds lots of importance to me. It gets me ready for the day, fresh and new, and ready to work my behind off. I feel clean and ready to tackle another day.

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