Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Challenge 75: Clarinet

63. Discuss an activity, interest, experience, or achievement in your life (this could be a book, movie, or an activity or experience at work, home, or at school) that has been particularly meaningful for you. (University of Florida)

When I first took up clarinet almost five years ago, I didn't have the mind to continue playing it in high school. I took clarinet because I couldn't blow into the trumpet, couldn't make a sound through the flute, and couldn't even properly hold the trombone. However, when I took hold of the clarinet for the first time, I instantly knew that this was what I was going to settle for, as dramatic as that sounds. When I first blew through it, I created a beautiful G sound, according to the teacher, Mrs. Hugg, who told me that the clarinet was the best option. 

From then, I started playing the clarinet. As a beginner, I don't even have a count of how many reeds I broke. But,I kept playing, and being exposed to an instrument for the first time, I really enjoyed it. It was the beginning of a new part of my life, a new part of me. I was starting something that was previously foreign to me, just like learning a new language. It was challenging but by accepting that challenge, I made it a significant part of me. Although I had a hard time with little musical things like creating a perfect tone throughout and remembering my scales, I played it for five years happily. There were times when I really wanted to quit it because I got sick of playing the clarinet. However, I didn't quit because I thought I might as well perfect it as much as I could while I was still in high school.

I don't know if I will keep playing even after I have left high school. I don't know if I will even minor in music. Although I enjoy playing it, I think that there will come a time when I will just have to give it up. However, choosing to play the clarinet for six years was a good decision. It helped me take a break from school and let me play music that I had heard of. It was a good experience, and even if it was just for a few years, clarinet because a significant part of my identity. 

1 comment:

Iqbal Fayza said...

I can second that! When you play the Clarinet, you change as a person! I wouldn't be surprised if you started to like classical music a little bit, well at least I do. Even though you played for six years and you decide to quit, keep a clarinet near you, so you can go into your own world whenever you want to and also it will keep you in practice of it. If you enjoyed it that much, you might as well continue it in the minimum way possible :D