Friday, December 23, 2011


232. Ten things you do when you procrastinate.

1. Stumble: Not physically, but in the website. It is amazing what all you can come across in the internet. I go on stumbling, finding new things that I didn't know and discovering tools on the website that are absolutely awesome. (Once, I came across this website where you could scan in your handwriting and write a whole text in your own writing on the computer. Only, the program was already expired so I couldn't try it. But it was pretty cool!)

2. Clean-up: It is the best. You don't want to do your work so you do something else that is productive, like shower! I shower like there is no tomorrow and take my time dressing and making myself more presentable (this usually happens during the weekends). Or tidy up your cupboard that is awfully messy by the middle of the week. And one can also discover all the bits of wonder under one's bed that has been gone for too long, like my missing pair of socks!

3. Watch a movie: Yes, this happens frequently too, as a way of getting away from work. When I have too much work and want it delayed, I just watch a movie so that I don't even have to think about or have time to feel guilty. I just enjoy every bit of the movie and cram up the work later.

4. Sleep in: By the end of the week, I am super tired and although I have a pile of work waiting to be attended to, I sleep in. I shut the windows tight and draw the curtains so that no man or sunlight can disrupt my beauty sleep. Then I pull the covers and fall asleep. Once, I have fallen asleep for 17 hours straight, but that was after Activity Week at our school where they make your poor body and soul work and work until you are left almost lifeless.

5. Do my nails: I have been biting my nails ever since I can remember, and most of the time, they aren't in a good state. So, leaving other, more important (actually, I would give that second thoughts, hmm) things behind, I take out my nail filer and make it the as even as I can. Then, I grab some nail polish and dub it on my fingernails to give them some encouragement to grow faster.

6. Have a good conversation: Sometimes, we are so engrossed in our own private worlds that we forget we live around amazing, intellectually-stimulating people. Therefore, I pick this excellent time to go have a conversation with any of my friends and on whatever subject matter. We talk a little, play some online games together, chat about this and that (perfect time to catch up on the gossip, which I tend to fall behind at sometimes), and just make some good memories. Mind you, these conversations aren't time-wasting, but can be viewed as more of a bonding time between good friends!

7. Cook something: Having been not so responsible in a kitchen (or more like, " Having broken the Thermos and burnt the pot black in a single day"), I have always had to be mindful of the things I do in there. Nevertheless, it is always great to make yourself some lunch even before lunchtime! At dorms, you have to look at for your own meals during the weekends because going to the Dining Hall to eat seems miles and miles away. Therefore, I myself enjoy preparing a good meal (a bowl of noodles, pasta, soup, whatever it be) and eating while sitting on one of those table with my earphones on and reading comics on the internet all at the same time!

8. Call my parents: Adjusting to a boarding school in never that easy, and even after living here for almost six years, I get homesick occasionally. So while I am procrastinating, I quickly run to the second floor to the land-line phone there as I never have my cellphone charged (just a bad habit of mine that not only I, but many other people, hate). I call my parents and talk to my family as time seems to fly by and I don't keep track of it either as that is not something that I am supposed to do. I talk about everything with them, from teachers and friends that are bothering me, to how much the school food sucks and how good (or bad; the case varies from time to time) my Math test went.

9. Read : It is always easy to get lost in the world of fiction and really enjoy the time there. There are several books that I have been meaning to read so what better time than this? Whether it be about a struggling African boy or a crazy asylum, I read anything and everything. Not only a book, but sometimes, I take this time to read other things too, like the articles in the internet, the news (yes, I do!), somebody else's English blog assignment. Just anything. I also read about bands and artists and big people whom I have heard other people talk about but don't know much myself (go Wikipedia!). This time is for learning, mostly anyway.

10. Think: They say it is time for me to pull myself together and start looking at my options to where I want to go for university. So, during this "spare time," I look up colleges that interest me. I learn more about what the requirements are and I compare them to how I am doing right now. I want to think ahead in this matter as it is very important. This makes me think about the majors I should take and, in the bigger picture, what I want to do with my life as a whole. It helps me question if my decisions are right, if I should be heading towards what I am headed for. I think about exactly the kind of person I want to be and what I need to do in order to get there. But when all this gets a little too big, I stand on my bed, open the tiny cupboard overhead, and reach out for the chocolate bar that has been sitting there for too long.

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