Saturday, December 24, 2011

Challenge 41: Rainy Days

230. What do you do on a rainy day?

Cuddle up and read a good book? Yeah, I like that. But, what I really love to do on a rainy day is go outside! Well, of course, if it isn't pouring like there is going to be a rain storm, if such a thing exists, then I would cuddle up and read a good book. But I love the rain. I love how it smells, how it tastes, how it feels against my skin, and how it gently drums my umbrella and leaks through the tiny hole. I like going out in the rain and getting wet.

For the most part, I enjoy the rain because it is soothing and calming and really helps me slow down. Nowadays, I feel like I am rushing a lot, trying to get this done and that said and all that. When I go our in the rain and just stand there, I feel like time has stopped and I just have to stop and enjoy the rain. Sometimes, I pretend that I am in some movie as I throw my head back, spread my hands across, and close my eyes as I feel the raindrops gently landing on my face. (I try and make sure nobody is around during this... scene.) After this episode, when it gets really chilly and I can stay out no longer, I hurry back in to take a good, hot shower. Then, maybe I would cuddle up and read a good book.

Another thing I enjoy doing while it rains is going on a drive. It doesn't have to be a long one, necessarily. I could do well with a short one. And when there is a storm, I feel good inside the car, like I am protected and safe. I look outside the window and see the world outside, and I think about how it would be different if the car wasn't there. I enjoy watching the raindrops race each other from the top of the glass on the window to the bottom, seeing how they mix with each other and become one. At this point too, I feel that cameras rolling and I act like I am in some terribly sad movie, playing the role of a heart-broken character who can only find seem to find pleasure while watching the raindrops on her window.

Listening to the rain is equally entertaining. The pitter-patter raindrops drum the window-pane and I let the sound flow into my ears and put me to sleep. The chilliness coming inside through the open window doesn't bother me at all, but makes me appreciate the warm bed I am in. Then maybe, I listen to some music or watch a sad movie, or I just cuddle up and read a good book!

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