Saturday, December 24, 2011

Challenge 40: Advice to old-me

245. What advice does the teenage-you have for your future 35-year-old self?

Don't get too fat. I know it isn't that important but I have seen older fat people and they don't live an easy life. Exercise a lot and keep yourself in good shape even after you have had kids. Keep your heart running and your brains working because there is still so much you have to do. And look out for junk food because they just come jumping right at you and you will be tempted. Even as a teenager, you are not that great at handling this stuff, so I know that with all the stress and everything, junk food will seem like a break.

Take care of your parents. They say once you grow older, you start to drift away from your parents. But these two people are the ones that love you most and it's important that you love and show that love to them as well. Take Ama around and show her new places because she has always loves traveling and seeing and learning new things. As for Baba, just share your stories and experiences with him and he will be so happy! Also, don't forget to frequently call and visit your siblings. They could be annoying at times, especially when you wanted to do something on your own, but hey, that is how siblings are meant to be! Keep in touch with them and visit them often!

Just have fun in life. Don't be so engrossed in your own work and income that you don't give time for other things, things that are less... complicated, like just reading a book, gardening, or cleaning up the house (that can be fun too!). Go out and enjoy yourself, travel to places, take pictures, make friends, and forget your work till then!

You know how hard it gets when you get old. Sometimes, you feel like you are an absolutely hopeless human being with nothing left. But, you just have to shrug that off and try something else. They say when one door closes, another one opens. And although I know that you are hard-working and dedicated, at some point, something might not go right and you would want to just sit down and quit. Don't do that because this teenage you wants to be successful in life and fulfill as many of her dreams as possible. When one door closes, look for another one, it is just a turn away!

Of course, then there is your family. Take good care of them because they are yours to keep. Raise your kids well, like the way Baba raised you and teach them the same principles and importance of culture and traditions. Bring them to Nepal often and make sure, because this is very, very important, they can speak perfect Nepali. But, also make sure that they take up an instrument or sport that they can really feel passionate about. And love your husband. He is your buddy for life and that's all you got. Keep him close and don't let other things get in between you two.

Lastly, keep trying to eat more vegetables!


ekalrose said...

Hehe i like this post :p
Those are real things I would advice to myself..
Some good, profound thoughts! :)

Bidushi said...

Thanks, Ye Jin!