Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Challenge 52: My Book

23. If you were to write a book, on what theme or subject matter would it be based, and why? (Stanford/93)

There are two kinds of people in this world: people who care and people who don't. The people who don't are those who think they own the world. They think they can say whatever they want, behave however their like, and talk about some things like they are of no importance. They become selfish and greedy. They only think about themselves and how they can benefit best from the situation. They are not sensitive about their surroundings, let alone the people around them. So, if somebody asked me to write a book, I would talk about these people.

Firstly, the reason for writing this book would be that these kind of people personally bother me. When the rest of the world is trying to save the planet from being destroyed, these people couldn't care less. This irritates me. It makes me feel like the efforts of the rest of the world to do something good are drowned by those who are just simple don't care. They think that as long as they are safe and sound, nothing else needs any thought. Yes, it could be that they don't understand better or aren't aware of their careless actions against the betterment of the world. But, even when one confronts them of the consequences, they still choose to act this way. The reason being that it is just way easier. What kind of logic is that?

One may judge that I am a pessimist soul. But I will argue that all of us have a little pessimist side within us. It is just shown with different circumstances. My pessimism involves the actions of others. When people carelessly throw away the trash right in front of their homes even though the trash-man comes to visit every other day, I get annoyed. Then, what do these people do next? They burn up the trash! Wow, what a great way to end it all.

The book would be fiction. There would be a hero, of course, who is aching to do something about the situation. She would be a character who brings all this misery to an end. She would go from place to place, educating people and telling them of the things that they should change in order for the better. There will be some problems, as in any other story, like a climax, but she would eventually conquer her problems and set out to create a better world.

Maybe this story will just remain that- a story. However, someday, I hope that I personally will be able to bring some change in the ways of people who do not care about the world. And, like Michael Jackson sings, "We can't go on pretending day by day/That someone, somehow will soon make a change."

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