Thursday, January 12, 2012

Challenge 53: HP

224. A book that changed your life

I wouldn't say they, as it is a series, changed my life; that would be too dramatic. But, I would say that these books influenced my childhood and changed many things. Yes, you may have guessed: Harry Potter series. Yep, yep, it's the same old inspiring, magical, touching story. But with what Harry Potter was during my childhood years, and even today, I couldn't have asked for a better series of books. Thank you J.K. Rowling.

Not only was the aspect of magic appealing, but the story line with all its brilliant characters were inspiring. I would read the books for long hours into the night, just waiting to finish the adventures and start with a new one. I would watch the movies too, but I always found reading the book to be much more entertaining. I felt like I was living the adventures with the three friends. I would imagine myself being part of their lives at Hogwarts, meeting the magical creatures, fighting battles, and being able to do magic. In fact, it felt so real at that time that I almost imagine myself to be a witch, waiting to be discovered. Of course, that is too ridiculous (or is it? hmm...), but the idea didn't stop me from reading those books again and again.

In fact, when I joined the British Council for extra English classes, guess which book the teacher picked for discussing? Yes. The first Harry Potter book. I knew the book front to back. We read the book in class and had to play games and discuss things. I knew the answers for all of them, from the name of the bartender to the color of Hagrid's umbrella (which is different from what they show in the movie, mind you). I remember how all of them were so impressed by my knowledge.

The Harry Potter novels have taught me so many things. From what great friendships can be like to how to tame a three-headed dog, I learned so many great things. However, the most important lesson learned would be that life can be an adventure. In order to make it one, you just have to be up for it. You could spend every day like the previous one, or you could choose to do something different, something new, and who knows what that might lead you to discover? After all, all the adventures Harry and his friends got into was because they searched for these adventures, broke a few rules, or just took a chance. Life is like a tensed adventure package, waiting to be opened and freed into our lives. You just have to go ahead and rip it open.

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