Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Challenge 65: Good and Bad

94. Choose one of the following topics about which you would like to write: your family, friends, or another person who has influenced you, the best and worst features of your secondary school, a recent development in your community, a scientific or other problem which you would like to solve, travel or living experiences in other.

Secondary School. High School. What great years. I struggled but I enjoyed them too. I made great friendships and got to keep them. I learned on a much advanced level than I did in middle school. I figured out what I want to become in life. I started blogging! I learned to struggle, whether it be staying up till two to finish my work or whether it be dealing with arguments. I developed a more positive personality. I made some excellent memories. I learned to choose the right things and make out right from wrong. I read many books! I got used to walking for at least twenty minutes every day. I learned to work hard to earn the grades I deserved. I learned to try and fail at some things. I became more comfortable with public speaking (more than before anyway). I learned to manage and organize my time. I took art classes. I joined the soccer team, although one year was enough for me to figure out that I was not made for soccer. I started doing more CARE activities than in middle school. I started to follow the news much often. I got along with my teachers as well as I could. I learned new things every day, whether it be about my friends or new material covered in class. I started to like math although I had preferred other subjects previously.

However, other things were not so pleasant. I had to deal with bad school food. I lost some of the friendships I made. I struggled with the work load sometimes. I started to lose my temper easily. I started getting distracted sometimes. But overall, I think it has been a great two and a half years in high school that I will miss a lot. 

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