Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Challenge 64: Deforestation

180. If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

When I came back home this time from my semester at school, I noticed something had changed. As we drove down the hill, there seemed to be more... light. I couldn't put my finger on it but it looked as if some big buildings had been sucked right into the ground. Then I realized. It was not the buildings but the trees that were gone, the tress that had been standing for maybe two hundred years or so. Just like that, they were gone from sight. Disappeared. Poof. There was nothing left in their places except for more space for the road to be widened. It was sad and frustrating.

Therefore, if I had the power to ban anything in the world, I would ban people from cutting down big trees that have stood there for generations. I would ban people from cutting down large chunks of forests that are essential for the animals that live there. I would ban people to clear large forest areas to build livestock productions. Unless it is absolutely necessary or the existence of humanity depends on it, I would ban people from deforestation. And the reasons for banning people from cutting tress are fairly simple. First, there is the global warming problem. A lot of the deforestation that takes place is hurting the forests that are essential for our survival because they provide us with large amounts of oxygen and absorb the unnecessary carbon dioxide from the air. Secondly, deforestation means pushing some of the most extraordinary creatures who rely on the forest for an ideal habitat off the verge of extinction. Some of these creatures are yet to be explored and learned more about. But if deforestation continues then humanity will never know the beauty of these creatures. The generations to come will never witness an Indian Tiger in its natural habitat or dolphins swimming to the surface of the sea. Do we really want to destroy the world in such a way?  

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