Monday, January 30, 2012

Challenge 72: Invention the World is Better off Without

18. What invention would the world be better off without, and why? (Kalamazoo)

On one hand are my parents. They tell us great stories from their past, stories about falling off a rickshaw in old Birgunj to climbing up trees in the large fields. My mother tells me about how she and her sisters used to dress up in costumes to take pictures. My father tells me of the things he used to do in school, like sneaking away from the sleeping professor and going out to play in the fields and ponds. He tell me how he got his first calculator only after he went to Delhi University. When I hear them say these stories, I see the long-ago-in-my-days look in both of their eyes. 

And on another hand is my brother. I will exquisitely tell you his story. He is just four but knows how to play the games in my iPod Touch. He can find the music library on my father's cell phone and play the music. He knows how to draw on "Paint" on my computer. He knows where to press on the remote control to get the channel he wants: Cartoon Network. And there, he spends hours and hours (until the electricity is not out anyway), watching cartoons, when the sun is shining beautifully outside and the birds are chirping harmoniously.

I think one can make out the difference between the two generations. One was filled with physically active activities that took absolute advantage of the beautiful surroundings while the other is mostly based around electronics. Therefore, I think that the world is better off without some electronics, electronics that take up recreation times. I know of the great wonders that the new generation of electronics has to offer, from internet at every bend of life to the usefulness of touch screen. However, maybe if there weren't so many electronics to take up our time, our lives would be spent in a much healthier way. Instead of sitting with an iPod for hours on end and slashing fruits, my brother, and other children of the same age, could be out under the sun chasing the dog or playing with the mud. Instead of me hanging onto my computer all day, I could be practicing my music or reading a good book. But what has been invented cannot be ... un-invented. Therefore, I think all we can do right now is just manage our time in such a way that we give ourselves enough time to be out breathing fresh air and enjoying the sunshine.

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