Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Challenge 78: Lead Role

111. Imagine yourself being an actor/actress. Tell about your feelings before the opening night of the performance where you play the title role.

Everything feels to be passing in slow motion. My make-up artist is working over my face, applying the last-minute things before I appear on stage. I feel nauseous and there is a heavy load slowly building up at my chest. I try to smile away my discomfort, but it refuses to budge. I can see the eyes of the other actors; they are all excited and prepared. I feel a little jealous; I am not that confident even though I have more to speak. I should have never agreed to play the lead role. But it's too late. I can't back out now. I thought that it would be easier, though. I mean, there is just an excited audience behind that curtain and I just have to do my level best to please them, to make them stand up on their feet, and clap their hands together with admiration. Shouldn't be so hard, should it? Ah, the feeling is eating up my insides. I can't stand it no more. I feel like I have to throw up. Gosh, I wish this would go away. 

Maybe I should think about something else, something more soothing and calming. After all, that's what the director had suggested and she sure knows me well. Think about something happy, something funny. Oh, yeah, there was that time we went to the beach. Wait, what happened then? The beach. The beach. The beach... oh yeah, somebody fell into the water and we laughed. Was that all? Ah, this nauseating feeling is so frustrating. I cannot make it go away. 

I wish he would stop dabbing so much glitter on my face. It makes me look like a pampered princess. How is all that make-up supposed to hide the feelings I feel right now? Goodness, who hired him? Wow, is that the director signalling me. Yep, now is you time to shine, Bidushi! Yeah, great, thanks for the little push, Mr. Glitter-...Guy! Smile now, smile. Aw, my stomach feels so tight. I need to have some water. God, why do I need all this right now?

Okay. Now the show will begin. Right. I've gathered myself together and now, I'm going to put up an excellent show. That's it. I'm at the center of the stage. The curtains are lifting. Smile and let the performance begin!


TdS0307 said...

Haha! I can totally imagine you like this, though i would really like to see you play the main role (you wouldn't even agree to be a minor character in the cast!)

Bidushi said...

Hehe. Mostly true. I'm not an actor.