Sunday, January 29, 2012

Challenge 68: Sherlock Holmes

17. If you could spend a year with any real or fictional person in the past, present, or future, whom would you choose? Why? (Kalamazoo College/93)

Even as a kid, I loved mystery and ghost stories, especially the ones that ended with "although everything went back to normal, they still heard those bangles cling together from time to time." Oh, the tug I felt in my gut during those times. I used to curl up in the arms of my father as he told us the stories with a voice so deep and soft that it seemed to bring every aspect of the story to life. Those were wonderful moments! Other than listening to these stories, I loved reading them. I would read aloud the descriptions of the tall figure lurking behind the curtain or the black cat that seldom moved. I would read aloud dialogues and try to imagine what the rough, deep voice must have sounded. Mystery novels were attractive too; I would patiently wait in anticipation till the end to find out the explanations of all that didn't make sense. I would try and guess what the story was. I started watching T.V. series too about a homicide cop and how she discovers the story behind each murder. Then, recently, when I got hold of a mystery novel that I heard so much about from a friend, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I didn't hesitate once before diving into the stories. There were absolutely great! The shrewdness and the intelligence with which Holmes unearthed all the cases were absolutely breathtaking. The way he could recite the story of the person standing before him by just observing his clothes or whatever was mind blowing! Reading the book made me want to be part of the stories. I wanted to be alongside of Sherlock Holmes as he discovered clue after clue and finally connected the whole story. I wanted to travel to places alongside this extraordinary thinker to unearth the details.  I wanted to be part of his adventures,  kind of like how Dr. Watson was. I wanted to go inside his head and see how he thought things through and how he managed to connect the pieces and break the case. Therefore, if I could spend a year, a week, a day, or even a few minutes with any fictional character, it would definitely  be Sherlock Holmes.

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