Sunday, January 29, 2012

Challenge 69: Fifteen Minutes

7. It has been said [by Andy Warhol] that “in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.” Describe your fifteen minutes. (New York University)

My heart will be pounding. My cheeks would be burning. There would be a permanent smile playing at my lips. My eyes will be watering because of all the emotions flowing inside of me: joy and happiness, and a little shock at the current situation. My hands would be shaking from excitement. I wouldn't be able to keep my legs from fidgeting. My head would be held high because I am proud and confident and satisfied. What would I be famous for? Saving the whole world? No, nothing so huge. I would be famous for something I have done that had made a positive difference in someone else's life. I would be called for a talk show or a radio station of some kind to share what I have done with the whole world. I would deliver a positive message to everybody who is watching. I would tell people how much this little action has helped somebody else’s life. I would teach people that they can also do little things, make a small change in their lives in order to help others. I would tell these people to spread the message. I would tell my listeners to be better people, better humans. Everyone would be thoroughly impressed and inspired by me. They will take immediate actions. They will confidently talk about how they themselves are capable of brining such a change into this world. They will say that she did it, so why can’t we? And, even after the fifteen minutes of fame are over, people will still follow my words and do what I asked of them. They will continue to change things in their lives for the better. My words will have a lasting impression on all these people, long after I have been removed from the spotlight. 

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